Αποστολή 3-5 εργάσιμες μέρες

The  Devilbiss 7305 suction device is  available in two models:

  1. Devilbiss 7305 DD (power) including an 800ml collection bottle, suction tube and AC and DC power cables.
  2. Devilbiss 7305 PD (power/battery) which includes an 800cc collection bottle, suction tube, AC and DC power cables and a rechargeable battery that provides 60 minutes of continuous operation. It recharges automatically when connected to the electricity supply and can also be charged in the car.

Optionally you can get a larger 1200ml collection bottle.
The  Devilbiss 7305 suction device  meets the guidelines from the American Association for Nursing (AARC) for home care of neonates, infants, children and adults. It has a vacuum adjustment that allows 80-550 mm Hg and a free flow of 27 liters / minute. Also the  Devilbiss 7305 vacuum cleaner  has a power switch that allows operation on any AC voltage 100V – 240V, a bacterial filter and an automatic shut-off float to prevent the unit from overflowing.

The  Devilbiss 7305 suction  has been manufactured to ISO10079-1: 1999 achieving excellent performance in the following tests:
Electromagnetic compatibility tests (the device is not susceptible to interference from other devices such as fans)
Drop and vibration test (it is much less likely to be damaged when dropped) Overtemperature
test (operates effectively in a wide range of ambient temperatures)
AARC guide to proper sub-atmospheric pressure:
Neonates: 60 – 80 mm Hg
Infants: 80 – 100 mm Hg
Children: 100 – 120 mm Hg
Adults: 100 – 150 mm Hg.
Negative pressures should not exceed 150 mm Hg as they have been shown to cause trauma, hypoxemia, and atelectasis.
It is 23 cm long, 18 cm wide and 20 cm high. 7305 DD weighs 1.9 kg and 7305 PD weighs 2.9 kg